Superman, Shazam, and More From Josie
Hello Internet!
It’s been a while since my last update, but it’s for INCREDIBLY EXCITING REASONS. For the past two years I’ve been working as the writer/co-producer on the upcoming animated TV show “My Adventures With Superman.” It’s a dream come true to write the Big Blue Boy Scout, and I can’t wait for everyone to see it on HBO Max and Cartoon Network in 2023!
But if you want more Josie before that, on AUGUST 2 the first issue of “The New Champion Of Shazam” hits shelves at your local comic book store (and virtual shelves on Kindle and ComiXology). It’s my first miniseries for DC Comics and I am THRILLED to be working with superstar artist Doc Shaner on these four issues! I love the OG Captain Marvel and Marvel family, so to be able to write Mary Marvel in her own adventures is a delight.
In the upcoming weeks I’ll be updating my website with press from “Superman” and “Shazam.” Until then, keep an eye on this space for more exciting appearances and announcements!
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